Don't fall too fast Don't fall too fast I scream to my self, in my cubical, silently. I know that something instant Will not stay in a long time Just like my favorite noodle, Indomie I swear that it's really damn good But I also know the bowl will be empty in a minute And I will feel hungry again Craving for another pack of Indomie Now I'm hungry But my tummy is full With all those butterflies Why are those even there Flying freely in that empty space I know why I feel like this I haven't meet you for a while or at least hear your voice So the butterflies choose to stay inside Not flying above my head Or around you, in my vision Beautiful I mean, you How can be someone so perfect? And how could you just happened to came to my life? Not fair You chose this, not me I didn't even know you But why am I the one who suffer? The butterflies should be in yours, not mine Not fair